Saturday, September 1, 2012

Kamehameha V Post Office Alan Sanford Davis Park

The park fountain.
August 31, 2012

Kamehameha V Post Office Alan Sanford Davis Park.

It's quite a lengthy name for a little park nestled in the middle of downtown Honolulu.  Kamehameha V and Alan Sanford Davis were both dedicated men who worked diligently for the community.  Merchant Street has a fairly constant flow of traffic and tall buildings embrace the park on the remaining three sides.  It feels comfortable. 

I grabbed a coffee from the coffee shop on the corner and had a seat.

This little park is a great place to watch.  Six royal palms adorn the patch of green space.  There is a fountain (which doesn't run very often) and a small plaque declaring the site to be the first Customs Office in Hawaii and dedicating the park to George Roberts. 
A park dedication.

Parking on parts of the street is free at 5:30pm so people drive past looking for parking and then head off to downtown eateries.  Some cars are picking up workers after a long day. 

The surrounding apartment buildings send their inhabitants to the park for dog walking.  Thank goodness all the dog owners I saw curbed their dogs.  The dogs were all interested in each other as dogs usually are.  Leashes kept them tied safely to their owners sides. 

Theatre folk gather in the early evening to eat their grab and go dinners before their call time.  Kumu Kahua Theatre is one of the buildings that sits alongside the park.  The lanai of the box office and theatre entrance open onto the park which makes for a lovely space at intermission. 

Friendly pigeons roam the park looking for bits of things to eat.  Their bird gang was only about eight strong so wasn't too threatening.  With nothing to share from me, the birds moved along.   

Kamehameha V Alan Sanford Davis Park
The park is well lit into the night, has a pay phone, lots of trash receptacles, and plenty of bench seating around the edge of the park.  It's even wheelchair accessible.   The park is a lovely respite in the middle a busy city.